a space for all the silly people and ideas in my brain

stand-alone works
silly, short writing projects all intended to be their own thing; not part of a broader narrative.
broader writing projects/worldbuilding/universes/etc.
EACH PROJECT IS CONSTANTLY BEING UPDATED!!!! these are even more personal to me, so there's a lot i may leave out, but i like sharing nuggets of details, as well as vignettes and poetry and such.
MEGA WORK IN PROGRESS - i am still trying to figure out how the heck to format all this lol
- SOULACE (hiatus) [urban sci fi fantasy; 2021-]
- student from hell (discontinued) ['paradise lost' adaptation; 2021-2022]
- part of my world (discontinued) [supernatural; 2022-2023]
- friday eve [science fiction; 2023-]
- beyond the stars (discontinued) [science fiction; 2024]
- a year in the institute [science fiction; 2024-]