names: finity_cardinal, finity, any diminuitive form of finity, or 'm'
location: united states (CST or EST time zone, depending on time of year)
occupation: struggling student (of data science, environmental ethics and health sciences)
gender: Something That Certainly Exists. I Am The Ship Of Theseus. My Self-Definition Is Ephemeral
age: young or old enough to be in college/university...?
a few likes/interests: sweet drinks, the colour blue, science fiction, 2000s progressive trance, drum and bass, religion, cats, fictional demons, piano, visual data, tech + environmental ethics, big numbers, fashionable clothing.
some things about me: i am the top listener of both basic perspective and stephen j. kroos on i almost got lost in new york city at one point. i hate condiments. my friends perceive me as exceptionally short (i'm not). my internet friend and i doxxed one another (benevolently) and then followed each other on linkedin. my favourite shape is the tesseract and no it doesn't contain the space stone. i know that pisslorgulus is a number. i experience auditory hallucinations after two consecutive allnighters. i have a hitchhiker's thumb. i'm possibly related to genghis khan. my full name is ten words long, and my last name is an anglicisation and not a real word. i still sleep with the blanket my childhood best friend gave me when we were in the fifth grade. i probably have the song for the conversation we are having. my favorite words are aleatoric, aberration and godspeed. british people can tell i have a southern accent but american people can't. my favourite musical mode is e-flat mixolydian or a-flat dorian. the recoil on most guns would probably injure me. i ran half a cross country meet with one shoe on. people keep texting a middle aged lady named edith when they intend to text me. two donuts could probably make my mind blank for about an hour because my body has a low sugar + fat tolerance; likewise, i stayed up til 6:30 AM once after drinking a celsius drink at 8 PM the previous night. etc.